Bloxd K12

Turn your classroom into a community

Combining students love for gaming with your passion for teaching to build a safe and supportive environment where everyone can learn.

No more complex software, just simple esports designed for teachers.

No need to spend hours learning how to use a new application. Your students will dive in and take control.
Start playing in under 4 minutes
Instant setup for students
No installation required

Esports made for today's classroom.

90% of schools have 1:1 devices for students. Bloxd K12 is designed to run perfectly on every single one.
Modern, intuitive design
Easy for teachers and students to use. Spend less time on the tool, more time teaching.
Cloud gaming
No install, no downloads, no hassle. Just one step. Visit Bloxd K12 from any device and click launch.
Cross platform
It does not matter what type of devices your students use. Everyone will join the same online world.

Build an inclusive classroom so every student learns

You will feel like a proud parent when the student in the back is finally included by classmates. Your students will work together as a team to solve problems and support one another. #AllMeansALL

Esports are REAL sports.

Esports are inclusive, less expensive, have zero injury risk, and are full of team building.

Esports deserve the same respect that your football team receives.

Build interactive lessons in minutes

No more bored, sleepy faces. Everyone will be wide awake when it is time to learn in your private online world.
Just finished teaching about different biomes?
Meet your class on your cloud server instantly and explore the forest, desert, and tundra as a class.
Did your students bring a charged computer to class all week?
Reward them with some friendly rounds of bed wars.
Fun builds community.
Add games to your lessons, and promote friendly, low-stakes competition or take it to the next level and host a school wide esports competition.

Frequently asked questions

Will K12 ESPORTS software run on our student computers?

Absolutely, we guarantee it.

What grade levels can play esports?

Your are never too young or too old to play games.

Do I need to install anything?

No, all of our software is cloud based.

How long does setup take?

No setup required. Once we have your account created, you will be ready to go.

What is Bloxd K12

Software that allows teachers to engage students in immersive, interactive, and creative learning experiences. It is one of 3 applications developed by K12 ESPORTS.

How can Bloxd K12 be used to promote collaboration and teamwork?

Teachers can create custom challenges and activities that require students to work together to achieve a common goal.

What subjects can be taught using Bloxd K12?

Your imagination is the only limitation. Think of Bloxd K12 as a virtual 3D lego building game where the world is what you and your students make of it.

What are some of the benefits of using Bloxd K12 in the classroom?

Increased engagement and motivation, improved problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and enhanced creativity and collaboration.

Which plan is right for my school?

Please contact us and we can help you select the best plan for your school.

Which payment methods do you accept?

Credit card, check, and purchase order.

How can I cancel a paid subscription?

Please contact us with your cancellation request and we will take care of it.

How long is a subscription?

Currently all subscriptions are for one year. If you need another option, please contact us, and we can send you a custom proposal.